EZ-Chord Speller System

Part 1: A little long winded, but good info to get you started with spelling chords more easily and quickly while you are playing.

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3 Responses to EZ-Chord Speller System

  1. Daniel McFarlane February 21, 2020 at 10:28 am #

    Wow! Great teaching concepts. Exactly what I need. I have enough knowledge to be dangerous but lack the deeper connections. 4 years of grade school violin and 10 years of ukulele chord work combined with 20 years of acapella harmony singing, leaves me with some skill and lots of blind spots. You are helping me fill in the blind spots. Its slow and will require repetition, but I appreciate your approach and ability to communicate.

  2. Fiona Quinn May 9, 2017 at 4:57 pm #

    Hi. I just finished E-Z Chord Speller Part 1 and for the life of me, I could not find Part 2. Is Part 2 only available to “All Access” participants? Or am I site-search impaired?
    Fiona Quinn

    • fiddlejamman May 15, 2017 at 3:50 am #

      Hey Fiona! Sorry for my delayed response. I missed your question, but thanks for asking! You should be able to find Both parts of my chord speller system here: http://fiddlejaminstitute.com/ez-chord-speller-system/It’s one of the first videos I produced way back! PS: in the future you can try using the search box at the bottom of each page (that’s how I found it just now too ;-).

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