FJi Newsletter – Technical Problems 8-26-15

Welcome to another installment of the Fiddle Jam Club Newsletter! 

Technical Problems Notice


Sorry for the slowness of these newsletter issues of late.  We’re working out a couple kinks on the technical end of things.

You may notice a strange secondary login notice popping up on the site when you go to certain pages.  YOU CAN IGNORE AND “CANCEL” THOSE WHEN THEY APPEAR.  We found that this is only happening on older posts that used an older audio player that is no longer supported by its creator.


I am going through every lesson, working backwards by date and manually switching these non-functioning audio players to the newer one.  It is somewhat slow and tedious work, but I will get there!  Reviewing older posts is not a bad thing for me to do every once in a while anyways, so it’s “all good.”

Sorry for any inconvenience this might cause to your educational path.  

If you have a particular lesson that you are interested in, that I have not gotten to update yet, by all means, feel free to shoot me a note, and I’ll be glad to jump out of my methodical by-date fixes for you to get that one done sooner!  Don’t be shy!

I’ll get back to more content creation after these fixes are completed.  

Thanks for your patience and understanding.

Talk soon!


PS: if the contact form (that is supposed to be below) does not appear in your browser, click here to send me a message instead.

Remember, if you ever want off of this list, just let me know!  I’m not looking to spam anyone with unwanted inbox intrusions.  I’ll most likely be sending this out a couple times a month as we head into this new phase… maybe just a little more when there’s something new going on.  Till next time!


FJI Newsletter, August 26, 2015

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