Lesson List alphabetical updates completed!

Finally!  I was doing so many edits, so quickly, that the site actually crashed yesterday for a few hours while we worked it out with our hosting company (thanks for your understanding and patience!), but everything on the lesson list should now be up-to-date and up-to-snuff technically.  146 lessons to date!

It’s a little celebration for me.  Now I can get back to tweaking and adding more lesson materials.  I have dozens on my to-do list.  Many of those are tunes that my private students requested.  Some are subjects that just naturally came up in lessons, that I thought might need further explaining.

Next I will work on the Category/Sections listings within the Lesson List and try to implement some slick new techniques to auto sort lessons (like by date, topic, category, tag words, etc…) that webmaster Kumquat has been telling me about.

For the time being: use the Lesson List hyper links, or the “top 4” on the Start Page (click these, or find them in the tabs below the logo pic), and if you want to search by date, try the “archives” pull-down menu in the right -hand column.

Happy jamming!


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