Next Blues Volin Course Song Lesson Now Available

Hey Fiddle Jammers!

Just a quick note to let you know that I just released the 3rd song lesson in my Blues Violin Course: “X-Ray Blues” in-the-style-of the late great Stevie Ray Vaughn.

The Blues Violin Course is only available to members who have purchased this separately, but if you are curious and want to see what you might be missing, I’ve left my performance example video of this song for the public to see on the Fiddle Jam Institute YouTube channel.  Click here to see that.

The course is still for sale in the Fiddle Jam School Store, and you can join in at anytime, as there’s no tests or quizzes to keep up with or anything stressful like that.  Once purchased, you will have access to all the lessons for life.  In this inaugural run, I am releasing one new lesson per week (currently in week 3).  You can at least view what the course has to offer on the starting title page by clicking here.

If you are interested in joining us for this course, I still have the discounted sale price with a free 3-month All Access Pass to the complete Fiddle Jam Library thrown in for only $149!  This sale will only last a couple more days though, so hop on it now if you want in!  If that is too much for your budget, I understand (I’m a musician too afterall!), I also have a shorter 4-song “Express” version of the course for only $59 too.  Check details of each out in the School Store.

As always,

Happy jams!

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