Standard Pitch (A440). Where did it come from? Has the standard changed over time? If so, which one, if there is such a thing, is correct or true? Does it matter? If it does matter, how so? Is there evidence in nature as to what is most natural as to our pitch standards?
This is a fascinating subject for me. As you will see in the video below (which are all my own ideas, theories, and opinions by the way, and it is OK for you to disagree ;~), I ask these questions and more. Let me know what YOU think.
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There is yet another faction that believes that A432 is the correct and true pitch. Many New-Age performers are now doing this. The great clairvoyant Rudolph Steiner (and others) said it was and should be this. Either way, more and more musicians are beginning to question our accepted “standard.” The only real test would be for you to try these yourself and se how they feel to you.