Don’t beat up your improvising!

Don’t beat up your improvising (or yourself)!

When you start to sound tight, flail-y, not in the groove rhythmicly, etc… step back and take things one small step at a time, gradually adding (creatively) one small new element each time, and you’ll be sounding pro in no time!

Steps we took here:
1) Self honesty/awareness that you are doing OK, but maybe could be more “groovy” in the pocket” “in the zone” “more pro sounding”, etc… asking yourself “OK, where/what is the problem spot(s),” and isolate that.

2) Simplify the problem “spot”: in our case: simplify down to just the “EZ-Zone” fingering

3) Break loose of fear by running some passes where you don’t stop moving (all 8th notes for this song)

4)After acknowledging that the above sounds a bit all run together (of course!), add some longer rhythms on key notes (like the tonic)

5)Steal some ideas from the melody (especially rhythm)

6) When ready, extend the range… in our case, adding one lower string (D)

7) Add sliding into the 3rds (in D: = F#’s)

8) Try having the 3rds be notes that you hold a bit longer rhythmically.

Bingo!  These steps brought a “lift” to her improvising for this day!  There could be more steps…. YOU create your own through self honest reflection… and if you find yourself stuck, consider a private lesson or two with me.  See lesson packages in the store!


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