Jamming 104: technical and knowledge challenges.
This is the place for those who are hungary for advanced and beyond. You can play and even have a career without much of this knowledge, but it’s a good-to-know kind of thing. Ultimately, the freer you are about music and musical knowledge the more authority you will have even in the simple styles! …just don’t get too attached to this level of info… keep it in perspective. Every style of music is ultimately about your, and your audience’s, goosebump factor! Too much musical knowledge can be a dangerous thing if not kept in it’s place. Keep that in mind and you’ll be fine.
- Descending ii V I chord pattern ala Cherokee bridge
- Babik Sweet Sustenance performances
- Rhythm Futur
- Cool Grapelli ii-V Trick
- Circle of Fifths Loop Track
- Taking it Outside in Jazz
- iFiddle 2 – Scales, Arpeggios & Practice
- V7b9 Chord Substitution
- Lessons Listed By Learning Level
- Jamming 104
- My Path Suggested Learning Studies
- Secret Trick to Creative Greatness
- Weeblo’s Wooble jazz tune
- Jazz Section – link page
- Juke Gypsy – G.F. Perry tune
- Bone Bossa by G. F. Perry
- It’s Time to Go jazz tune by G. F. Perry
- Tatering Level 4 – chopping technique
- Tater Section
- LeLuppe Bonzino – Gypsy Tune
- Sweet Sustenance – Gypsy Tune
- Harmonic Squeal Faux Feedback Technique
- The Perils of the Classical-only Music Education
- Blackberry Blossom
- Loop Tracks
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