
Lifetime All Access Pass

Original price was: $450.00.Current price is: $425.00.

One-time payment for a Lifetime All Access Pass that includes access to all current and future FJi courses!

SKU: LifetimeAAP Category:


Get a Lifetime All Access Pass to the Fiddle Jam Institute!    Save $ and get the extra bonus of full access to all current and future FJi courses too! (valued at $97 each and up!).

Instructions: Add this item to your shopping cart, complete your purchase, and we’ll take it from there.  Watch for some confirmation emails that should be coming your way then too (one for your FJi AAP membership, and one for our Fiddle Jam Club Newsletter list).  When you get those, you’ll need to click on the links provided to officially activate your membership. Please give us 24 hours (usually much less) to check all the proper access boxes behind the scenes and we’ll have you jamming in no time!



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