Audio player problem 8-14-15

It seems that the audio player that we’ve used for the majority of our lessons is having a problem and I’ve heard that the software creator’s website is down too.  :~((

Video and text and images are all still OK.  Thanks for your patience while we sort this out.  If you need a particular audio track now, you can email me directly using any comment form throughout the site (usually at the bottom of the page) and I can email it to you as an attachment.  Otherwise, just sit tight and webmaster Kumquat/Patrick will be on it shortly!

PS: if a second login window appears, just click cancel for now.  Thanks!

August 15th update: we figured out that the problem lies with an older audio player that was used on the site when I first started developing it in 2011, back before WordPress had its own native audio player. This may take a bit of manual labor on my part, but I’m going back through all the old posts (something I’ve been meaning to do anyways), swapping out the old player for the new one, and checking for any other tweaks that may need to be done. A bit of a pain in the butt, but will make for a better website in the end. Thanks for your patience and understanding!


One Response to Audio player problem 8-14-15

  1. fiddlejamman September 5, 2015 at 11:17 am #

    9/5/15 ALL FIXED!!! Thanks to webmaster Kumquat’s diligence, he found a way to globally swap out all those old code bits for the new ones needed so all audio tracks should now be functional again! 885 of them! That might have taken me weeks to fix and replace each one by hand. Enjoy! I can not get back to more content creation.

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