Whether Heavy Metal is your thing or not, I have to hand it to violin icon Mark Wood. I so glad that there are folks like him in the violin world shaking it up! View below to have your brain pried open to the possibilities of our splendidly versatile instrument!
Author Archive | fiddlejamman

Wednesday Live Fiddle Jam Sessions online!
Hey folks, I hope this finds you all well. If you are subscribed to my Fiddle Jam Institute YouTube** channel (see below if not), you maybe have seen a notice in your “feed” that I did my first live streaming Fiddle Jam Session test last week, with the intention to
Band Member Tune Archive List
Here are links to pages that have the info (charts, videos, audio and instructions) for gig preparations: I’ll post more as needed. PS: this is ONLY for gigging band members and hidden from the public. Please do not share these links. She’s a Woman – Beatles/Jeff Beck more coming…
She’s A Woman – Beatles/Jeff Beck
Beatles tune, Jeff Beck style. There’s lots of versions, I like the later Reggae influenced version: Intro: descending partJam on A-D thru head to B (Chorus?) sectionRepeat to Head taking 2nd endingBridgeJam A-DHead taking 3rd Ending – Vamp to ritardmedley into Norwegian Wood??<<::>>
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Full Fitzhugh and the Fanatics Flavor album found on YouTube!
Check it out! I just stumbled on this on YouTube recently. My recordings and live band “Fitzhugh and the Fanatics” was the “un-Gamal-izing” of myself after my 8 year stint with the Jazz/Rock powerhouse, Gamalon. I started out by stripping down American songbook/Jazz Standards into a more bluesy 3-chord
Rock Your Strings free online event Starts TOMORROW Jan 17, 2022!
Hi Fiddle Jammers! The Rock Your Strings online event starts TOMORROW! Jan 17-20, 2022. If you’d like to have access to this event, you’ll need to sign up at: www.rockyourstrings.site There is also a free Facebook Group associated with this event: Rock Your Strings Facebook Group Access is FREE to