Cool Coin Coincidence at Violin Lesson

I know that this one is not too much about fiddle or jamming, but it is too cool of a story to not share what really happened at a violin lesson I was giving recently.  Hope you enjoy as much as I did.
Yes, I actually am a great great great grandson of Oliver Hazard Perry who was the admiral of the US Navy and was responsible for beating the British in the War of 1812 here in the states.  Sorry Brits!  Don’t worry, you will not have to tame my ego about it or anything… I just think it’s kind of cool.  There are statues of him in my hometown of Buffalo, NY, and I’ve heard, also down the lake a bit in both Erie, PA and evidently somewhere in Ohio I guess too, based on this coin found randomly in my pocket.  For you history buffs, my family tells me that we are also related to Benjamin Franklin and the Duke of Orange, whoever that might be.  I would say that if there is anything to genetics as far as great achievements go, they must’ve been pretty watered down by the time they got to me!  Ha.

One Response to Cool Coin Coincidence at Violin Lesson

  1. Becky Kronewitter May 3, 2018 at 10:10 pm #

    Yes that is a cool story ….. and it is what it is meant to be

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