Fiddle Jam 101 Course Re-Release!

OK!  Forward! I finally got the new version 2.0 of the Fiddle Jam 101 Course up for sale in the School Store!  This new version has Lifetime, and random do-in-any-order access, with 8 modules and a whopping 77 units!  Webinars, tutorials, charts, jam-along tracks, quizzes, and even an opportunity to show off your jams in the course’s “homework” blogs are all part of this version 2.0.  The original book lessons are there too, but expanded beyond the book, plus about 30 new lessons, the result of which should give just about any fiddle jammer an excellent start on their way to being a free-wheeling creative giant in nearly any style!  ;~)  I’m excited, can you tell? I hope you are too!

For this initial offering, I lowered the price to $97 to encourage you to get involved in the FJi community, with 10% off for our free Club members, and 40% off for AAP members with secret coupon codes that will magically appear in the store listing if you are logged in to the overall site.

Let me know what you think!… Music Mechanics 101 is next up for a re-release.

Click here to go to the FJi School Store>> Fiddle Jam 101 Course


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