G.Fitz Perry Stories

After 45+ years in the music business, and over 6000 gigs, I realized that I have most likely gone over the threshold and am now in the “old-guy’s” club (Ha!), but because of this, also have tons of stories to tell.  When I first announced my idea for this series in late 2020, there seemed to be some interest in it, so here I go!…

I share these, not to just blab about me me me… ;~), but always with an “edu-tainment” aspect that I hope will give you some value and enjoyment.  They will not be in any particular chronological order.  Many of these will include my watershed/ah-ha moments in my personal and professional lives, and others will be just recounting some of the crazy (and interesting) folks I’ve met and worked with along the way.



I’ll add more as I do them…

  1. Billy Sheehan Ah-Ha

2. Playing Newport Jazz Fest.

3. “Hanging Out” with Al Gore

 4. Bible Study with Rick James

5.1st Major Symphony Gig

6.My 1st real gig EVER!

7. My 1st Pro Gig

8. University “New” Music

9. Cool Coin Coincidence – Family History (re-post from 2018)

10. Epiphany – A bit of arrogance removed (from my Blues Violin Course)

11. Epiphany – Vowing to follow my inner creative voice (from my Blues Violin Course)

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