Moonlight Drive Jam Track

I first created this jam-along track for inclusion in a lesson I did for iFiddle Magazine on the Magic of Blues Scales.  It is “in-the-style-of” the great electric violin icon Jean Luc Ponty and a rough take-off of the tune “Sunset Drive” on his “Taste for Passion” album (with the cover shot that made his metal flake blue violin famous).   See video below (Note: the violin solo does not come in until around 3:30):

History: When I finally got to meet Jean Luc a couple years ago, and thank him for his inspiration, I kidded him that he and his cool blue violin had ruined it for everyone else! …in that, everybody (including me) wanted a violin that looked so cool, but if we got a blue one like that, we’d just be considered a Ponty imitator!  Maybe, since it’s been over 35 years since that album came out, it’s now OK to have a sparkle blue violin ourselves?  Ha!

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