New Charlie Daniels Tune Lesson!

The iconic “South’s Gonna Do it Again” by the Charlie Daniels Band!  I just jammed this tune at a neighborhood Halloween party.  It used to be a stale for me back in my more rockin’ bar-band days.  I hadn’t thought of it in a while, but then thought it would be a great FJi lesson! So, here it is.  A complete fiddle part transcription in standard staff notation, note names/finger numbers, and fiddler’s tab. I’ll try to add a note-for-note video lesson for the visual learners soon too, and have plans to add a bit more info on the music mechanics of the notes Charlie chose.

As usual, our AAP members get full access to the complete lesson materials.  Free Fiddle Jam Club members still get to see part of it though… enough to get you started at least!  For legal reasons I will not be able to sell this lesson individually in our school store (and it’s an actual gray area whether I am supposed to teach it to you here!)… so check it out now!  Charlie has the legal right to ask me to take it down!


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