
Bucket List Fiddle Jam Course

Original price was: $79.00.Current price is: $67.15.

Adult Beginning Violin/Fiddle: I will get you playing at least one cool fun song, producing a good sound, playing reasonably in tune and in rhythm, and not hurt yourself in the process of doing it, in 30 days, with only 10 minutes of practice each day, or YOUR MONEY BACK! *See more details about this fun course below! VVVV

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If you have ever dreamed that it might be fun to play the violin or fiddle, but didn’t want to be forced to scratch your way through “Twinkle Twinkle” or “Mary Had a Little Lamb” or be talked down to, or patronizingly taught down to, or just generally not taken seriously by a teacher who really secretly believes that you needed to start when you were a child to be any good at the violin???… If so… Then I’ve got just the thing for you!!

Bucket List Fiddle Jam!

I know first-hand that it is NEVER too late to enjoy the making of music and have it enhance your life, for the rest of your life!… at any age I’ve personally taught thousands of folks just like you, and I’m here to say: You Can Do This!

As a matter of fact, I’m so confident in you being able to do it, that I GUARANTEE it!

*I will get you playing at least one cool fun song, producing a good sound, playing reasonably in tune and in rhythm, and not hurt yourself in the process of doing it, in 30 days, with only 10 minutes of practice each day, or YOUR MONEY BACK!

Sound too good to be true?

I’ve done it before.  I can do it for you.

I’ve been teaching for more than 4 decades and have taught 1000’s of students from age 3 to 93!  …Yes, it’s true, I once had a 93 year old beginner!  Along the way, I’ve picked up some pretty cool “outside-of-the-box” teaching techniques that can get you on the fast-track to playing well and having fun!

Specialized Adult Learning

The trick is, adults just need to be taught a bit differently than kids.  In general, you don’t want to be just told what to do; but want to know Why, How, and What benefit and result you’ll get out of it before you take even one bow stroke!  Right? …I would.

Adults also usually have a few “issues in their tissues” as well… whether this is in the form of fears, old injuries, or stiff joints… these things need to be taken seriously for you to get any real value out of your efforts as well, and this is why I’ve brought in a Dr. of Chiropractic as a consultant for this offer.  He’s going to double check everything I tell you to do, to keep things as pain-free, graceful, relaxed and natural as possible.

I myself know a few things about this subject… but only because I was on the other end of the spectrum, having harmed myself when no teacher corrected my improper playing habits when I was an overly serious young man.  Multiple disciplines of physical therapy have helped me, but I do not wish any of those unnecessary things on you!

I want your Fiddle Jamming experience to be enjoyable and FUN!

You are not going to find another course quite like this one anywhere, tailored just for someone like you… whether you are an Absolute NewBie who has never touched a violin/fiddle before, a Re-Starter who played when they were younger – quit and wish they hadn’t, a Music Dabbler who can play a song or two on other instruments but have become intrigued with the violin/fiddle, or a Pro or Semi-Pro Multi-Instrumentalist who wants to add violin/fiddle to their arsenal…

Bucket List Fiddle Jam is for YOU!

Bucket List Fiddle Jam can get you to your initial goal and dream… in one month or your money back!!

Limited-time super-low introductory offer:

ONLY $79!!

ONLY $79!!??  30-day Money Back Guarantee?  You can’t go wrong!!

If you are ready to get started, go ahead and click on “Add to Cart” below, then “View Cart” to be taken to our secure payment page and be on your way to achieving your dream!

With purchase you will get:

  • Access to all online course materials hosted on a special members-only area of the Fiddle Jam Institute website (24 main sessions + daily 10-minute practice-along videos + bonus lessons)
  • Free “Buy Or Borrow” Report Access – What to look for, and what to avoid when choosing a New, Used or Rental instrument.

Instant downloads include: (click on blue download buttons in purchase confirmation pages and emails to safely place these on your computer)

  • Bucket List Fiddle Jam Song Chart with non-reader fingerings, note names and tabs
  • Non-Reader’s Cheater Sheet – fast-track for the basics of teaching yourself how to read music
  • Multiple play-along audio tracks
  • Practice Log for tracking your progress
  • Instruction Sheet for access to the optional private “Bucket List Fiddle Jam Facebook Group” page where you can post questions or videos of your playing for encouragement from myself and other students in the course if you’d like!

If you need more info before purchase, please go HERE to see a FAQ Frequently Asked Question list, as well as review multiple videos on the course’s topics including a detailed full length webinar (35:00) about the program’s origins and benefits.

Select Fiddle Jam Customer Testimonials:

  • “You don’t flaunt your talent and abilities, but you couldn’t hide them in a dark room in the middle of a moonless night – it’s very obvious. And, I’m not just talking about your playing abilities. You have a great way of explaining things that many people probably didn’t even know they needed to know about playing a fiddle well until they heard and watched you explain it… you are the real deal, offering the real deal.” – Q. Hydock
  • “I will say this, you appear to be different in your teaching methods from anyone I’ve  ever seen. I’M in.” Jeff M.
  • “I must say that the videos you have on YouTube sold me cause you said so many things in such a simple and easy to understand way that I thought, yes, this is the course for me………..demystifying a whole lot of gobblygook for those people who have never done it before…………thanks so much…”. Karien R. – Australia

Start Anytime.  Go at Your Own Pace

After purchase you will have unlimited and lifetime access to all your lesson materials.

Future Vision: YOU…

Picture you in 30 days… sounding pretty darn good, playing a fun song, amazing yourself, friends and family, feeling filled with satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment at what you’ve just achieved in so little time and …if you’d like, ready to take it further.  I hope you join me in making the world a better place to be… with more folks like you playing music in it!!





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