
Fiddle Jam Book – Chapter 1 – Major Scale Section Bundle

Original price was: $7.99.Current price is: $5.99.

Fiddle Jam Book Chapter – Major Scale Section



The Major Scale Section: Most beginning violin students already know a major scale or two.  It’s one of the first things we learn after Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Hot Cross Buns, and Mary Had a Little Lamb, or other such songs.  Major scales are very wholesome and familiar sounding.  You’ve probably heard the notes sung as Do, Re, Mi, Fa So, La Ti, Do, at one time or another.  Major scales are called “Major” because they’re a really BIG DEAL.  Most things you learn about music will be based on them.  Many think the scale is a bit too sweet and plain sounding for rock n roll, but you’ll be able to so some cool things with it playing to these examples.

This product is a digital bundle of the whole first chapter of the original Fiddle Jam Book plus bonus (without Geoff) backing tracks that were not included in the book.  Song lesson styles for this section include: Pop-Rock (2), Chicano-Amero Rock, a Ballad, a Waltz, and a Folk Dance.  Scales/keys  G, D, & A major.


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