Tag Archives | jazz


An ancient concept.  Simply go without eating for a while!  Why?  Some might try to convince you that this is actually dangerous, but scientific evidence says otherwise… Non-members: Want to learn more about this? Click here for more info on our free Fiddle Jam Club membership and “ALL ACCESS

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Mr. Sandman

This pop song from 1954 is often played in the gypsy jazz style. <<::>> Non-members: click here to learn more about becoming an enrolled FJI member!This pop song from 1954 is often played in the gypsy jazz style. Mechanics:  Almost every chord is a “dominant” 7th.  The

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My Blue Heaven

Another Gypsy Jazz jam staple.  Typical AABA song form.  The A section does a I – VI – II – V progression.  The bridge starts on the IV chord just like 100’s of other songs. Join Now to see all of this lesson! Another Gypsy Jazz jam staple.  Typical AABA

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Another gypsy jazz jam staple. The intro is often repeated many times before entering the tune at the A section.  In our demo I did it twice, and played it by jumping octaves on each note.  I played the head down one octave in the A section.  It sounds a

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