Tag Archives | rock


An ancient concept.  Simply go without eating for a while!  Why?  Some might try to convince you that this is actually dangerous, but scientific evidence says otherwise… Non-members: Want to learn more about this? Click here for more info on our free Fiddle Jam Club membership and “ALL ACCESS

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My Blue Heaven

Another Gypsy Jazz jam staple.  Typical AABA song form.  The A section does a I – VI – II – V progression.  The bridge starts on the IV chord just like 100’s of other songs. Join Now to see all of this lesson! Another Gypsy Jazz jam staple.  Typical AABA

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Another gypsy jazz jam staple. The intro is often repeated many times before entering the tune at the A section.  In our demo I did it twice, and played it by jumping octaves on each note.  I played the head down one octave in the A section.  It sounds a

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Limehouse Blues

A Gypsy jam session staple.  Not a Django penned tune, but often covered in the Gypsy Style.  Notice the rhythmic motif in the melody… maybe you can consider inventing some of your own while soloing over this tune? The chord progression, much like “I’ll See You In My Dreams

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Stompin’ at Decca

I do not know the exact story about the writing of this tune, but I’d bet that is was just an impromptu jam when the band had some extra time left in the studio.  This melody can get rather “interpretive” from player to player. Non-members: Want to learn more about

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