Tag Archives | violin

Swallowtail Jig

Description: Great entry level tune for the Irish/Celtic inclined.  Learn it slow first, then gradually speed it up until “danceable!”  I’m always amazed at how almost everyone regardless of age or musical knowledge responds to a jig… 2 year olds can’t stay in their seats, and 92 year olds start

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Yankee Doodle

Yankee Doodle Lessons The historic American “Yankee Doodle.”  Perennial favorite of young students.  Key of D major.  Knowledge of the lowered 2nd finger G natural on the E string needed. Want to learn how to play this tune? Click here for more info on our free Fiddle Jam Club membership

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Cotton Eyed Joe

Just to get things rolling with this lesson, here’s a half-crazy rockin’ cajun version of this tune I did for kicks with my good friend Michael Ward Bergman. Michael has played all over the world with YoYo Ma’s Silk Road Ensemble and others, and we played together quite a bit

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Ms. McLeod’s Reel

Description: Here’s a good one that quickly became one of my personal favorites.  Pronounced: Miss Mic-Cloud’s Reel I’m told. Completely D major… nothing but.  This one’s a little more challenging, as it requires some speed to start sounding fun and more “dance-able” (a “reel” is an Irish dance, by

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Bile Them Cabbage Down

Learn the melody to this simple fiddle tune, by ear, one note at a time.  It is from the early 1800’s, in about every beginner book, and played at nearly every “pot luck picking’ party jam session.”  “Ubiquitous” is a good word for it!  If you’ve been playing only

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Old Joe Clark

Description: Fun fiddle tune with crazy lyrics that are the epitome of the early 1800’s era, simple back-ups, E-Z melody uses a lowered 2nd finger on the E string.  Slow version helps with reminders of low 2’s and high 2’s.  Medium speed version is simple with a little guitar

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