Most beginning violin students already know a major scale or two.  It’s one of the first things we learn after Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Hot Cross Buns, and Mary Had a Little Lamb, or other such songs.  Major scales are very wholesome and familiar sounding.  You’ve probably heard the notes sung as Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti, Do, at one time or another.

Major scales are called “Major” because they’re a really BIG DEAL.  Most things you learn about music will be based on them.  Many think the scale is a bit too sweet and plain sounding for rock n roll, but you’ll be able to do some cool things with it playing to these examples.

Section Contents

The Raven’s Daughter…………………………………………G Major Scale , Pop Rock Jam

Le Bomb……………………………………………………………A Major Scale, Rock n Roll Jam

Wit and Wisdom: “violin vs. fiddle”………………………..Information

Spiral Travels……………………………………………………..A Major Scale, Pop Rock Jam

The Rarest Rose………………………………………………….G Major Scale, Ballad Jam

Wit and Wisdom: “Oh yeah… and don’t forget to…”…..Performance Advice

The Cajun Waltz.…………………………………………………D Major Scale, Waltz Jam

Contra Dance………………………………………………………D Major Scale, Folk Jam

Back cover blurb: Fiddle Jam Book/CD – “a way-cool easy way to learn how to improvise.”
By: Geoffrey Fitzhugh Perry
Take a walk on the wild side of the violin/fiddle worlds! Fun and relaxed approach. Designed so that a first year student can participate freely, but also so the classically trained professional player, who maybe wants to get introduced to improvising in the modern styles of jazz, blues, rock, cajun, funk, and other hybrid musics can benefit too. “Just jam along, and you can’t go wrong” approach uses two-string symmetrical fingering blocks called “EZ-Zones” to help encourage the young improviser into a non-thinking, more creative state (the desired goal for improvisation) earlier in their development.


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