You could learn this cool blues violin tune too! It was first released as part of my Blues Violin Course where it was one of my favorites, but I thought it might be fun to re-release it just as a single song lesson for sale in the School Store and

You could learn this cool blues violin tune too! It was first released as part of my Blues Violin Course where it was one of my favorites, but I thought it might be fun to re-release it just as a single song lesson for sale in the School Store and
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Here I’m getting restarted after a bit of a hiatus. I plan on this being the beginning of a series of videos where I will regularly practice live and talk about select keys and their riffs and tricks from my book “Rock n Blues Fiddle Jam A-Toodz” which
Fisher’s Hornpipe is a catchy little tune that seems pretty common at Pickin’ Parties. Free Fiddle Jam Club members get to see a tutorial on how to improvise EZ back-ups to this song. Our All Access Pass members get to view ALL the lesson materials which include: My performance example,
I recently came across this nice video from a few years back that features a song I wrote for our gypsy jazz group Babik called Sweet Sustenance. There’s clips of an interview with the band in the middle, as this was part of a regular concert series and TV show
In my time with the Gypsy Jazz group Babik, we came up with quite a few interesting arrangements of Django tunes. They always seemed to go over well with audiences. Here’s a rather rousing version of Django’s Minor Swing from about the half way point when we are into
Song #10 in our Blues Violin Course heads into the Countrified Blues side of things with a tune in-the-style-of harmonica icon Little Walter. Have fun! Intro to the lesson: “Train” beat, special ending, no chordal instruments, and more. Performance video: Song Form: melody 2x, solo 2x, melody 1x
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