Song #9 in the Fiddle Jam Institute’s Blues Violin Course heads to modern Blues-based Pop Rock ala ZZ Top! Have fun! Intro to the lesson: Performance video: Song Form: Intro, Melody 1x, Intro, Solos (12-bar Blues), Intro melody 1x, Intro 1x + Ending Tag Play-along track (no Vln)
Archive | Blues Violin Course

BVC Blind Blues
Song #8 in our Blues Violin Course heads eastward to the folk and country influenced Piedmont style of Blues! Intro to the lesson: Performance video: Song Form: melody 2x, solo 2x, melody 1x My apologies for the bit of advertising with the text pop-ups. I’m posting this video
Cat Gut Your Tongue Video
My good friend and video artist Howard Wapner of Herb n Renewal created a video using my song “LoBoVio” from my 2013 electronica “Conflation” CD (Translucent Records). It’s pretty cool! Check it out and let us know what you think! Please leave your comments below. Cat Gut Your Tongue Cat
Next Blues Volin Course Song Lesson Now Available
Hey Fiddle Jammers! Just a quick note to let you know that I just released the 3rd song lesson in my Blues Violin Course: “X-Ray Blues” in-the-style-of the late great Stevie Ray Vaughn. The Blues Violin Course is only available to members who have purchased this separately, but if
iFiddle Box Blues Sneak Peak
iFiddle readers! Interested in the Blues? Check out this Sneak Peak of my Blues Violin Course just for YOU!! Check out this Limited-Time Blues Violin Course sneak peak for iFiddle readers below. If you want to learn more about the Blues on your fiddle, check out my Blues Violin Course
BVC Epiphany Story #2
How playing Bass with blues harmonica great Shakin Smith changed my musical life. Back to Main Blues Violin Course Lesson List
BVC Four-Bar Phrasing Exercises
Lengthen your music awareness. By request, I’ll copy some materials from the FJi Library for you to try this lesson with:<<::>>I’ve found this one especially helpful for students who have jammed for a bit and are in need of deepening their listening skills, or developing “Big Ears” as