Hi Fiddle Jammers! The Rock Your Strings online event starts TOMORROW! Jan 17-20, 2022. If you’d like to have access to this event, you’ll need to sign up at: www.rockyourstrings.site There is also a free Facebook Group associated with this event: Rock Your Strings Facebook Group Access is FREE to
Archive | Fiddle Jam
Fiddle Jam 101 Course has been updated!
Hey there Fiddle Jammers! I heard from one of our students that they could not view a bunch of the videos in the Fiddle Jam 101 Course materials. Thanks for the heads-up Artisto! Should be all fixed now. What happens sometimes is, host platforms, in this case YouTube, change their
E minor Tabla Jam
Here’s a new one I created in GarageBand for a student’s Call & Answer session recently. It worked very well for her! This particular student is a super-smart teen who is going to college early and has a very developed left/logical side of her brain… so much so that she

Moonlight Drive Jam Track
I first created this jam-along track for inclusion in a lesson I did for iFiddle Magazine on the Magic of Blues Scales. It is “in-the-style-of” the great electric violin icon Jean Luc Ponty and a rough take-off of the tune “Sunset Drive” on his “Taste for Passion” album (with
iFiddle Blues Scale Magic
In partnership with iFiddle Magazine, I’ve produced this lesson on two different, two-finger, two-string fingerboard patterns (I call “EZ-Zones”) that allow you to play 10 different Pentatonic scales very easily. Pentatonics are great for getting started with anything from creatively spicing up your fiddle tunes, to outright improvisation in
MM101-Moon Diggin’
MOON DIGGIN’ It’s music to strip mine too! Jam Stuff: Cut 24 from Fiddle Jam Book/CD Example: Cut 25 from Fiddle Jam Book/CD (see video above) No Violin Backing Track:[ca_audio url_mp3=”http://fiddlejaminstitute.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/FJBk25-MoonDiggin-NoVln.mp3″ url_ogg=”” download=”true” skin=”regular” align=”none”] The Blast Off: Fun, pop rock, medium tempo. Scale: G Blues Key: G minor Notes: any,
MM101-Blue Suit in a ROADHOUSE BAR of 12
BLUE SUIT in a ROADHOUSE BAR of 12 Standing out with the rough crowd. Jam Stuff: Cut 28 from the Fiddle Jam Book/CD Jam Example: Cut 29 from the Fiddle Jam Book/CD (see video above) No Violin Backing Track: The Jump Start: Cool, blue, straight forward and easy.