Hi Fiddle Jammers! The Rock Your Strings online event starts TOMORROW! Jan 17-20, 2022. If you’d like to have access to this event, you’ll need to sign up at: www.rockyourstrings.site There is also a free Facebook Group associated with this event: Rock Your Strings Facebook Group Access is FREE to
Archive | New Jam lessons
Fiddle Jam 101 Course has been updated!
Hey there Fiddle Jammers! I heard from one of our students that they could not view a bunch of the videos in the Fiddle Jam 101 Course materials. Thanks for the heads-up Artisto! Should be all fixed now. What happens sometimes is, host platforms, in this case YouTube, change their

Moonlight Drive Jam Track
I first created this jam-along track for inclusion in a lesson I did for iFiddle Magazine on the Magic of Blues Scales. It is “in-the-style-of” the great electric violin icon Jean Luc Ponty and a rough take-off of the tune “Sunset Drive” on his “Taste for Passion” album (with
Classical Cross-Over – Learning Path
Don’t let fear of the unknown stop you from having a little fun! It’s super easy once you are coaxed to just crack open that creative door! The Classical Cross-Over– (assumes good technique, good reader, some previous theory knowledge, but little or no experience in getting away from
0-1-3 Blues Scale Section
Chapter two from the original “Fiddle Jam, a way-cool easy way to learn how to improvise!” book/CD. <<::>> And now for the really cool stuff… I would’ve put this section first, but skipping fingers is sometimes a technical hang-up for those just starting out. Nevertheless, I find that students quickly
D Dorian Jam
Live D Dorian Student Jam 3-27-13: Check out this cool jam we invented on-the-spot during a private lesson. Adult student Bill had been playing about 1 year at the time, and we were learning about the Dorian scale/mode. I think he did a good job! It was a cool
D Major Jam
This is a pretty cool “beyond the book” jam that I had forgotten about until I stumbled across it on a playlist on my iPhone recently. It would also be a good “first” jam I think, as it’s all D major, has a quick but light feeling, and a more