”Shave and a Hair Cut… Two Bits!” History & Culture: Ubiquitous traditional fiddle tune ending… and friendly hello/goodbye rhythmic gesture… at least here in America. Knock this rhythm on your friend’s door to signal it is you. Often done in a call and answer way, where the “caller” will do
Shave Endings
By fiddlejamman on February 19, 2013 in A major, Beginner Violin, Bluegrass Fiddle, By Ear, By Feeling, By Knowledge, By Sight, Cornerstone Styles, Country, D major, Fiddle Tunes, Folk Fiddle, G major, Gigger Level, Ionian Mode, Jammer Level, Lesson List, Major Scale, Music History, Music Mechanics, One-Room-School-House ORSH, Staff Notation, Style Studies, Teacher Training