If Country music’s format is to play as “in” as possible… meaning the right notes at the right time, then Jazz’s format is to purposefully take it “outside” the key or scale that is under it, stretching it, creating tension, and then releasing it by bringing it back… or not!
Taking it Outside in Jazz
By fiddlejamman on February 25, 2015 in A major, Ab major, Artist Level, B major, Bb major, By Key, By Knowledge, By Scale, C major, C# major, Cb Major, D major, Db major, E major, Eb major, F major, F# major, G major, G# major, Gb major, Ionian Mode, jamming 103, Jamming 104, Jazz, Learning Methods, Lesson List, Major Pentatonic Scale, Master Class, Music Mechanics, Style Studies, Wit & Wisdom