I wrote this song specifically for the Bucket List Fiddle Jam Adult Beginner Violin course, but I thought you might like to learn it too? I think it turned out great! …especially in that it sounds WAY more complicated than it really is! You should be able to get lots
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Alternative violin notation system that uses only the open string name and which finger is used on the string.

Box Blues Complete Study Lesson
You could learn this cool blues violin tune too! It was first released as part of my Blues Violin Course where it was one of my favorites, but I thought it might be fun to re-release it just as a single song lesson for sale in the School Store and

Protected: Box Blues – Single Song Lesson
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Seminole Wind
Here’s a cool violin part from the big country music hit Seminole Wind by John Anderson. Not only does this tune have a cool vibe, I take a personal shine to it since the lyric mentions the historic North Central Florida town that is very near where I currently
Beethoven’s Oven
Here’s a tune that I’ve become a bit enamored with lately. It is the first section of Beethoven’s 7th Symphony, the 2nd Movement. I of course, had heard it many times before, but it didn’t really get on my radar for our uses here until hearing a Bashar (the spirit
Dust in the Wind – Kansas
Here’s the perennial favorite progressive rock classic from 1978 that features a famous violin solo in the middle (~ 1:30 in the original recording) by the band Kansas… who are not surprisingly, from Kansas, USA. I believe Lawrence, Kansas claims them as their own, or so people said when I
Back Door – Cajun Zydeco
Uptempo Cajun/Zydeco staple! Basic 12 bar Blues form in the key of G. EZ pentatonic-based melody leaves room for adding your own touches. Check out the chart and Master Class video below for more info on that! Have FUN! <<::>> Want to see all of this lesson? Join us