Archive | Note Name – Finger Number

Notation alternative that simply tells the note name and the typical 1st position finger number.

Frosty The Snowman

Description: The perennial “politically correct” holiday favorite (not one mention of religion!).  Easy key of D.  Knowledge of numbered repeat endings and italian ending signs: “Da Capo al Coda” or D.C. al Coda needed.  Da = to, Capo = cap/top/beginning, al = until, Coda = ending section (in this case,

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Fiddle Jam – preparation – what you’ll need to know

OK, here’s a quick overview of what you will need to know first in order to be prepared to get the most out of the Fiddle Jam Book (and Beyond!) materials… No worries, it’s pretty simple stuff, that most students learn within the first few months (or less!) of playing!

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Non-Readers Info Page

Don’t know how to read standard “Staff” music notation as of yet?  Not sure you are even interested in such a thing?  Heard, and fear, that learning to read can “suck the soul out of your playing”?… then the info and links below are just for you! <<::>> Reading Sucks

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Reading standard “staff” notation

Reading standard “staff” notation, or “music” as it is often called, may seem daunting if you do not know how yet, but it is much much less to learn than say… a new language!… and is the best and most complete system we have to date. *See our “non-readers”

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Autumn Leaves – Jazz Standard

Autumn Leaves has been recorded thousands of times by different artists (including Frank Sinatra & Nat King Cole) and is played by nearly every jazz and lounge band in the world.  It is considered one of the great Jazz “Standards” for sure, and is a great entry-level song for those

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