Reading the latest (December 2013) issue of Acoustic Guitar Magazine today (with another of my own inspirate-ors, Willie Nelson on the cover), and liked very much something that Babik friend and supporter, super guitarist (one of Rolling Stone Magazine’s top 100 guitarists of all time) Stephan Wremble said in a
Archive | Learning Methods
Different ways to learn
Second Octave Intervals – 9ths, 11ths &13ths
Knowledge of second octave intervals comes into play quite a bit in Jazz chording. What are they?… Remember, chords, in general are built using every OTHER note of a scale… so, with this idea we’d use 1 – 3 – 5 – 7 – THEN continue on to 9, 11,
Taking Musical Dictation – our highest art form
“As improvisers, our highest art form is to be simply taking dictation from the muses.” Concept: Where our musical ideas come from, no one knows for sure. There are many theories. It could be that we are tapping into the collective consciousness of all musical ideas ever thought, or maybe
Cheater’s instant back-up tater-ing – how to
Story: You show up at your first Pot Luck Pickin’ Party with your fiddle in hand, maybe you’ve practiced a few tunes and are eager to try them out with some other real life, flesh and blood musicians. You’ve even brought a nice plate of your best brownies in hopes
Fiddle Jam – preparation – what you’ll need to know
OK, here’s a quick overview of what you will need to know first in order to be prepared to get the most out of the Fiddle Jam Book (and Beyond!) materials… No worries, it’s pretty simple stuff, that most students learn within the first few months (or less!) of playing!
Nice Autumn Leaves lesson additions finished!
I’ve just uploaded a couple nice video components to the “Autumn Leaves” lessons that work with incorporating blues riffs at key spots in the song to “punctuate” your solos better. That makes this a pretty thorough lesson on this famous song I think! Again, this is a great
Non-Readers Info Page
Don’t know how to read standard “Staff” music notation as of yet? Not sure you are even interested in such a thing? Heard, and fear, that learning to read can “suck the soul out of your playing”?… then the info and links below are just for you! <<::>> Reading Sucks