Archive | Learning Methods

Different ways to learn

A-toodz – E Minor

Introduction to E minor A-toodz studies E minor is a very popular key in the modern styles… especially in guitar dominated Rock and Blues music!  These studies can help you build up a vocabulary of ideas, licks, and tricks that you can then call upon in your improvisations later. The

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Minor Swing

Description: The Django Reinhardt/Stephan Grappelli Gypsy Jazz classic that has crossed over into many styles.  I’ve heard this done by Lounge bands, Bluegrass bands, Folk groups, and even Jam Bands.  This tune has been featured in many movies too (like “Chocolat”).  The melody, simply an arpeggiation of the chords, is

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Oh Yeah… and don’t forget to breathe! – Wit & Wisdom

Wit & Wisdom Oh Yeah… and don’t forget to breathe!” As odd as this sounds, you’d be surprised at how many people stop breathing unconsciously, or even hold their breath on purpose when trying to concentrate.  Breathing is probably the most important and necessary thing you can do.  It’s the

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 Wit & Wisdom “Levitating while receiving cosmically channelled alien musical ideas, and reeling in his audience with appropriately frosted cake!” huh?….. read on. OBEDIENCE TO THE MASTER (you), GREATNESS, and SHOWING OFF The ultimate and lofty goal of an improviser (and possibly anyone in any place or discipline!), is

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