Archive | Learning Methods

Different ways to learn

You Are My Sunshine

You Are My Sunshine is good old tune that is a favorite of many.  EZ key of A notes.  Practice slowly on your own at first (but still listen to the audio tracks each time to develop and “ear” for the tune)… THEN, starting with the 72bpm (beats per minute) version,

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Old Joe Clark

Description: Fun fiddle tune with crazy lyrics that are the epitome of the early 1800’s era, simple back-ups, E-Z melody uses a lowered 2nd finger on the E string.  Slow version helps with reminders of low 2’s and high 2’s.  Medium speed version is simple with a little guitar

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Clinch Mountain Back-Step

Clinch Mountain Back-Step Description: Pure old time blues scale stuff!  The melody is nothing but A Blues scale.  Hope you enjoy.  It’s one of my personal favorites! Note: “PLPP” = “Pot Luck Pickin’ Party” a full band version with jamming.  Check the possibilities out! Jam-along: A blues scale

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Cripple Creek

Description: This tune is a “standard” in the pickin’ community.  There are many different versions of it.  This one is purposefully simple to get you started.  Its roots most likely go back to the early 1800’s.  Key of D major.  Note: some folks like to play this tune

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E Minor Piano Funk Jam

E blues scale jam lesson. “…It uses the E Blues scale.  The “EZ-Zone” for E Blues is simply 0, 1, 3 fingering on the D & A strings.  Start on an E, end on an E, come back to E the most… heck you could even do the whole solo

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