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Lessons By Scale

Want to work with a particular scale?  This is the place!   Major, minor, pentatonics, blues scales, modes, etc…  This auto generated list will update every time I post a lesson (or update an old one) that uses a specific scale, mode, or mood.  This is a new feature

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Lessons Listed By Learning Level

In general, most subjects at FJi are arranged into three distinct learning levels.  You can think of them as beginner, intermediate, and advanced, though throughout the developments of FJi history I’ve tried to call them more colorful and fun, and sometimes more descriptive things.  Rather than go back and re-name

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Blues Style Lessons

The Blues! …the granddaddy of all modern non-Classical styles!  Even though today’s electric Blues styles can sound quite modern, the Blues style actually has its roots in Africa at least 200-300 years before other styles like Bluegrass! …This was a surprise to me when I, a musician who’s jamming roots,

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