Check it out! I just stumbled on this on YouTube recently. My recordings and live band “Fitzhugh and the Fanatics” was the “un-Gamal-izing” of myself after my 8 year stint with the Jazz/Rock powerhouse, Gamalon. I started out by stripping down American songbook/Jazz Standards into a more bluesy 3-chord
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The way-back machine: early Gamalon electric violin photo
By fiddlejamman on February 1, 2021 in Bulletin Board, Elek Tek, Fiddle Jam Club Newsletter, Founder’s Blog, Lesson List, Stories
I joined the great jazz rock fusion group “Gamalon” back in 1987 and had a nice 8-year “ride” with them signing record deals, traveling some, getting on the Billboard Jazz Chart (#8) and once playing the prestigious Newport Jazz Festival. When we weren’t on the road, we’d play

G.Fitz Perry Stories
By fiddlejamman on January 11, 2021 in Founder’s Blog, Interviews, Lesson List, Master Class, Music History, Stories
After 45+ years in the music business, and over 6000 gigs, I realized that I have most likely gone over the threshold and am now in the “old-guy’s” club (Ha!), but because of this, also have tons of stories to tell. When I first announced my idea for this series