I thought that this one might be just a “talking to myself” kind of thing (which, I admit, I sometimes do! Ha!), but it evolved, I hope, into a subject that our members might find helpful… that of thinking more of the approach of “how can I help you?”…
Archive | Truck Talks
Lecture series recorded during founder Fitz’s frequent drives. “A great time to do some thinking out-loud!”
Truck Talk – Beginner Lesson Approaches
Happy New Year 2016! I’m thinking on some new approaches to reaching more people who can benefit from what I have to offer. Though absolute beginner lessons was something I consciously avoided in the early development of the Fiddle Jam Institute, with recent successes of some of my beginner violin
Truck Talk Archive Portal
Check out past Truck Talks by clicking here.
Distortion Violin Truck Talk
OK! Here’s one that, as usual, I started out kind-of just taking a voice memo to myself and I got on a roll and just kept going… It is what could become a whole course in and of itself, but here will be a good pre-course introductory study at least.
The Master of Your Moment
[nonmembers]I found this on my iPhone recently. It was a “truck” talk I did a while ago that I think worthy of sharing. I hope it gives you all, especially those who might have a bit of improv performance anxiety, something to think about. Feel free to leave me your
Truck Talk – Being a Fan
Hope you enjoy this one. I am asking a question more than giving an answer on this one. Please feel free to join the discussion!
Truck Talk – Gifted or Not
Another Truck Talk on my (rather strong) thoughts about whether some people just “have” the music gene and others do not. Hint: I think that kind of thinking is a myth worth busting! Sorry, you must be an officially registered FJi member to hear this Truck Talk. Join our free