Archive | Truck Talks

Lecture series recorded during founder Fitz’s frequent drives. “A great time to do some thinking out-loud!”

Truck Talk – Solving Problems

I thought that this one might be just a “talking to myself” kind of thing (which, I admit, I sometimes do!  Ha!), but it evolved, I hope, into a subject that our members might find helpful… that of thinking more of the approach of “how can I help you?”…

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Truck Talk – Beginner Lesson Approaches

Happy New Year 2016!  I’m thinking on some new approaches to reaching more people who can benefit from what I have to offer.  Though absolute beginner lessons was something I consciously avoided in the early development of the Fiddle Jam Institute, with recent successes of some of my beginner violin

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Truck Talk – Gifted or Not

Another Truck Talk on my (rather strong) thoughts about whether some people just “have” the music gene and others do not.  Hint: I think that kind of thinking is a myth worth busting! Sorry, you must be an officially registered FJi member to hear this Truck Talk.  Join our free

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