A-toodz – E Minor

Introduction to E minor A-toodz studies

E minor is a very popular key in the modern styles… especially in guitar dominated Rock and Blues music!  These studies can help you build up a vocabulary of ideas, licks, and tricks that you can then call upon in your improvisations later.

The exercises are also good to simply train your fingers to move in the Pentatonic patterns needed for these styles.  Pentatonic (five note) scales have more skips than straight major or minor (seven note) scales.  Classically trained players will especially benefit from playing these, just to train their muscles to move comfortably in these new ways.

The studies below are set up in three levels of difficulty:

  1. “Jammer” Level 1 features simple Pentatonic finger movements starting with single strings before moving on to string crossings and finger patterns.  Great for the less experienced.
  2. “Gigger” Level 2 introduces the “in-between” or “blue” notes in this key.  This is the stuff that really begins to increase your “coolness factor!”  …a great boost for the intermediate player!
  3. “Artist” Level 3 adds more advanced licks and tricks that include double strings, double drones, parallel fifths and more sophisticated mixtures of all the elements.  Meant to challenge even the more advanced Classically trained players.
  4. “Groove Toodz” are mini-tunes that apply what you’ve learned in the exercises.

“Call & Answer” audio tracks feature the “teacher” playing or “calling” to each double bar, to a steady beat, followed by a space for you to “answer” the same.  Great for those who might have trouble reading staff music.  Also good for ear training… challenge yourself to NOT read the music and see how close you can get to the teacher’s “call”… or, just use this space to improvise your own similar ideas!

E minor Level 1 Warm-ups 

Transcript of video voice-over (for translation to other languages): “E minor Atoodz, Level 1 Warm-ups.  Check out this fingering chart and run all your fingers along those notes… just kind-of get warmed up for it, then look at the lines above.   I’d suggest you pause the video to do so.  I did not provide an audio track, only visuals for this… I also provided a line of Note Names and Finger Numbers for those who aren’t real good at reading yet… and a second line of Fiddler’s Tab markings for those of you who only know Fiddler’s Tab.  So, I would suggest pausing the video… doing this at your own speed… no tempo necessary for this… just to get ready for the Level 1 Exercises.  When you are ready, try the Call and Answer track first, before going on to the Play-Thru track… most of all, HAVE FUN!”

E minor Exercises Level 1 – “Call & Answer” 55bpm

Play along.  “Teacher” calls/plays to double bar, then “students” answer same.

When you are ready (anytime at any level), try using these licks and tricks your fingers are getting comfortable with in these jam lessons!:

1) E Funki – Funky example using the E blues/pentatonic scale, from the original Fiddle Jam Book.

2) E12 – Standard 12 bar blues progression from the original Fiddle Jam Book.

Want to learn more about this?

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5 Responses to A-toodz – E Minor

  1. Perri Smith May 11, 2016 at 9:15 pm #

    Hi! The link at the bottom of the lesson to “E-Funki” is not working.

  2. ziff July 23, 2014 at 12:11 am #

    “Practice Loop Track – E” doesn’t play.

    • fiddlejamman August 3, 2014 at 2:34 am #

      All fixed

      • Stephanie Morykin December 19, 2019 at 1:24 pm #

        It might help if you had additional faster tempos 100, 150 bpm etc… for the call response track to help us get used to playing the licks at speed. Playing to 55 bpm is good at first but the jam track is way faster which makes it tough to phrase the licks with the jam track if you are not used to the tempo. Just a thought.

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