Music Mechanics 101 Course Homework Student Blog

OK!  Here’s your homework submissions!  Keep up the good work!  Leave comments on your fellow students performances as so inspired.  You can do this right on YouTube below their vid, or here.  Any thoughts on what will work best for this?  I’m thinking here in one central place will be best?  We are looking for encouragement more than anything here, so be nice.  I reserve the right to moderate and delete un-encouraging comments here on FJi.  See the “Leave a Reply” box below to comment.

Up first is Anders: Good Job!  Solid & Focused.

next is: Tom B.  Check out that he is being creative with the rhythms a bit too.  Nice job!

next: Lisa L… nice job!  Love the Boogie!

Week 2 from TomB: Good rhythm!  Make sure the b7 is not a 6.

Week 2 from Anders: Nice work! Keep the wrist loose and it will probably feel more natural if you start with a down bow.

Week 2 LisaL:

Week 3 LisaL:

week 4

more to come!


2 Responses to Music Mechanics 101 Course Homework Student Blog

  1. Anders Peter Andersen June 11, 2014 at 10:55 am #

    I think it’s good work for old fiddle starters like us

  2. Thomas Bellinger June 8, 2014 at 2:24 pm #

    Looks like some experienced fiddlers in the class…these are great to play along with for practice. Thanks!

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