Welcome to the new Fiddle Jam Club Newsletter! I hope you like the new format. We’ve finally integrated it into the site now, rather than coming separately from my personal email.
I’ve been working super hard on the behind the scenes stuff the last few months, trying to get ready for a much bigger marketing push. I think we’re pretty close. I can’t wait to get back to producing more lesson content though! It is what I am wired for.
I am so grateful that you have come along for the ride and trusted me to deliver some (hopefully) interesting content that will benefit you and your musical lives in some way and lead you to more joy in your music making …and your life!
So, what’s new?
1) As mentioned, this newsletter format. It will also conveniently be auto archived on the site too, so if you wanted to review something I covered, you will not have to dig through your inbox to find it. I’ll put it on my to-do list to dig through the old issues and re-post them in this new system, but you can check out the current Archive here.
2) Truck Talks. OK, I admit it. I talk to myself while I drive sometimes! ;~) My life is such that I drive quite a bit lately. I try to make the best of what would otherwise be a terrific waste of time, and often use it to reflect and work out ideas. When I stumble onto a particularly good bit, I now get my trusty voice recorder out and tell YOU about it! The best ones I am now beginning to post in a new Truck Talks category on the site. Check them out here. http://fiddlejaminstitute.com/truck-talks/
3) Open Office Hours. This is an idea that I’ve actually stolen from a major music retailer I’ve worked for… it’s a worthy one though, and I will start doing these regularly, starting this month. These, like the Truck Talks, will also be auto archived on the site for your review. The basic idea is that I will take your questions and comments and expound on them with instrument in hand in front of a camera. I will eventually do these as a live webinar, but am still wary of internet quality during such things with warble-y sound, drop outs, and outright crashes being the norm even with the top internet guru’s. So, for now, I’m going to start out simple and just take your input ahead of time and pre-record the sessions with a good quality camera and microphone and then post it. This will only really work if you participate and send me your ideas though! Feel free. You can send me your comments starting now via any comment form on the site (they all get funneled to my personal inbox). I look forward to hearing from you! http://fiddlejaminstitute.com/open-office-hours/
4) iFiddle Magazine. I’m honored to be featured, for the second time, in the most recent issue of iFiddle Magazine. I provided a lesson on the do’s and don’t of practicing for improv. iFiddle has now changed their delivery format too. They are now FREE on iTunes! Check it out here. http://www.ifiddlemag.com
5) Recent Posts. As always, you can find my latest posts and content in the “Recent Posts” section at the bottom of most pages on the site (including the home page and your “My Dashboard”). Of note is a new “Taking it Outside in Jazz” lesson for the more advanced players, and also new and improved Tennessee Waltz play-along tracks. There will be many more to come soon! LATE ENTRIES: Circle of Fifths Explained and Circle of Fifths Loop Track Exercise.
PS: Sorry, only AAP members will get to view the whole of these lessons, but our Free Club members will still get a sneak peak though.
6) What’s next? Courses. As I mentioned in a past newsletter, I will start with re-opening the Fiddle Jam 101 and Music Mechanics 101 courses, and have been brewing on a whole bunch of other courses, and getting pretty excited about them too! I will announce them here. They will be available separately in our School Store with a new lifetime access included in the price.
Overall, I’m getting super excited about new developments! I hope you are with me! Stay in touch. Don’t be shy about sending me your thoughts and questions. You can use the form below.
PS: if the contact form does not appear in your browser, click here to send me a message instead.
Remember, if you ever want off of this list, just let me know! I’m not looking to spam anyone with unwanted inbox intrusions. I’ll most likely be sending this out a couple times a month as we head into this new phase… maybe just a little more when there’s something new going on. Till next time!
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