Fisher’s Hornpipe is a catchy little tune that seems pretty common at Pickin’ Parties. Free Fiddle Jam Club members get to see a tutorial on how to improvise EZ back-ups to this song. Our All Access Pass members get to view ALL the lesson materials which include: My performance example, the A & B section melody tutorials, EZ back-up tutorial, written chart, jam-along audio track and more!
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I know that generally it’s better to figure things out on your own. However I can’t get it as nice as yours. So could you do an in depth video on the backup you played on the performance video?
Thanks for asking Daniel! I’ll be happy to check that possibility out!
Forgive my progressive senility. I just realized that I’ve already asked you about this tune. However I really need help learning more backup than chopping and shuffling on double stops. thanks
Ha. You are not the only one.
Feel free to reach out to me directly for help on this.