Folk Music Lessons

Folk Music.  Yes, this could be considered Country/Fiddle music by many, but is really in a category of its own, going, I think, beyond any category into a musical place that is universal, simple, and historical or geographical.  Simply put, like its name, it is music for plain folks!  …Like all of us are on some level.

So, as far as fiddle and jamming goes, Folk music is not usually filled with fancy improvised solos, but does have the opportunity to play creative back-up parts and harmony lines to its simple (usually 3) chord backgrounds.  In general, you will find melodies to Folk tunes in our beginner and level 1 lessons and info about the music mechanics of Folk music in our level 2 lessons.  Some natural spill-over from our Bluegrass and Fiddle categories is to be expected too.


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