Fiddle Jam Institute FREE 100 Jazz Violin Lesson playlist

News from Fiddle Jam Institute founder Geoffrey Fitzhugh Perry
Fiddle Jam Institute FREE 100 Jazz Violin Lesson playlist
Here’s a copy of a video lesson I did for Mike Spears at his online iFiddle Magazine. He asked all past interviewee’s (I was on the cover for issue #8), if they would supply something during the COVID-19 pandemic for fiddle folks to learn from while they were sequestered in
Interesting video work. The violin music brings his creation to life!
The COVID-19 inspired $79 Super Sequestered Sale still more than you are financially comfortable with? That’s OK. I get it and have been there. I want YOU to get some fiddling benefit during this historic time. Learn some new tunes, learn a new way to jam to old songs, up
Yes, it’s true. I had a dream that I was sharing beginner’s fiddle exercises with my fav rock singer Steven Tyler of the famous rock band Aerosmith because he was incorporating violin into his shows and giving his violin each night to an audience member. Weird, I know. He seemed
Here is the first beginner’s finger exercise from my dream involving rock singer icon Steven Tyler from the band Aerosmith. 0-1-low2 on every string with various bowing patterns thrown in. Note: this it NOT music! It is just a physical muscle training exercise. If you are more of an adult
Fiddle Jam Club Newsletter Welcome newest club members: TOO MANY TO ADD HERE SINCE LAST NEWSLETTER!! Joyful Jams to all!!! <<::>> Newsletter Topics Below: 1) A-Toodz Play-through videos 2) 50 Years of VIolin 3) Single Song Lessons 4) Holiday Songs and Sale! 1) A-TOODZ PLAY THROUGH
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