Archive | Truck Talks

Lecture series recorded during founder Fitz’s frequent drives. “A great time to do some thinking out-loud!”

Newsletter Late August 2016

Welcome to another installment of the Fiddle Jam Club Newsletter!  Welcome newest club members: John, Rodney, Blake, Mark, Ted, Helen, Bill, Joyce, G, Jana, Deborah Ann, DG, Diana, Rich, Mary Kay, Ezgi, Jose, Amber, Laura, Deili, and Gary!!! May you all have many joyful and happy jams! Newsletter

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Your Creative Birthright – Truck Talk

I’m posting this one as-is.  No edits.  It is a subject I am passionate about sharing.  I feel that too many people have an under-confidence in their ability to creative wonderful and beautiful things!  maybe this Truck Talk can inspire?  Please feel free to share your thoughts below! <<::>>

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